Saturday, June 28, 2008

Christian Bookstores

This is just a rant on a frustration of mine. Feel free to weigh in on this.

Click here to listen

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Running Down a Dream

Sounds like a Tom Petty song? What dream are you chasing? Listen to this podcast and feel free to comment.

You can email me:

Click here to listen

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mad at God

This episode has to do with people who say they are mad at God. Feel free to comment or email:

Click here to listen

Monday, June 16, 2008


I have been asked how Tracy and I have such a great marriage. In this new podcast, I talk about it a bit. Feel free to comment or email me:

Click here to listen

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Da Beers

I had a thought the other day on a golf course for a benefit. The thought was, why do we see more and more Christian leaders having a drink in front of people they minister to? What does the bible say about it? Give this one a listen and feel free to comment. You can also email me:

Click here to listen

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


There is a segment on Saturday Night Live in the evening news called, "Really?" As I look back on 13+ years of ministry thus far, there are some things I would say really to. Here are just a few.

Feel free to comment!!

Click here to listen

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Where is Christ

With this first podcast I thought I would talk about the statement people make when they go on a missions trip or do ministry. Often times you will hear..."I am taking Christ to..."

This billboard in Waupaca reminded me of this again so I thought I would talk about it.

Click here to listen